Please note that Mike Harbaugh has retired from serving as Wharton County VSO and VVA Chapter 1069 VSO in January of 2020. However, we have retained his webpages of documents and reports for future reference, that they may still help Veterans with Veteran and VA related issues. Please disreguard any office hours schedules or contact information that may still be listed on this webpage. VVA Chapter 1069 would like to thank Mike for the fine job he did while serving his fellow veterans.
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As of April 30, 2018, Michael Harbaugh is the new Veterans Service Officer (VSO) for Wharton County, Texas. (see photo to left) As of June 2019, Michael has become an Accredited VA Affiliate & Representative! What is an Accredited VA Representative? Visit the VA website to find out
Main Office Address: |
Mike Harbaugh, VVA Chapter 1069 member and new (May 2018) Wharton County Veterans Service Officer, periodically sends our Chapter News stories related to the VA (Veterans Affairs) administration or related to various Veterans Benefits. The News stories/articles are posted to this website. The menu below lists the subject titles for each news story. You may quickly Find & Select the Specific VA/Veterans News story you wish to read about. After clicking on the desired title, you will then be taken to that News section, which resides further down on this same page.
Selection Menu - Click on News item below to view:
* VA URGENT CARE- New Veterans Healthcare Program 2019
[posted on: 9-7-2019]
NOTE: All the information below was also presented by Mike at our August 14, 2019, Chapter meeting.
VA now offers a new Urgent Care benefit (included in the 2018 MISSION Act) that provides eligible Veterans with greater choice and access to timely, high-quality care. Urgent care providers treat injuries and illnesses that require immediate attention, but are not life-threatening. The benefit supplements care Veterans may also have access to at a VA medical facility.
Eligibility - To be eligible for the Urgent Care program, Veterans must:
Use the link below to visit the VA's webpage that describes the VA Urgent Care benefit in detail:
CLICK HERE to visit the VA Urgent Care webpageThe urgent care benefit covers services provided by urgent care centers and walk-in retail health clinics such as the following health issues:
Note that an outside company, TriWest (TriWest Healthcare Alliance) has been selected to administer this new Urgent Care benefit program for the VA.
Also note that there are two types of urgent care network locations: "Retail" and "Urgent".
To find your nearest VA Authorized Urgent Care facility/provider, you may use the link below to visit the TriWest webpage (URL below) to search for Urgent Care Retail providers by entering your zipcode and preferred milage radius. You will then be presented with a list of Urgent Care providers near you.
Urgent Care Provider Locator on TriWest websiteFor example, on 9/7/2019, a search for VA Authorized Urgent Care providers (above link) located within a 100 mile radius of the El Campo area (zipcode 77437) produced a list of 137 locations! To give you some idea of where these Urgent Care providers are located, below are listed the first 30 providers that were on the list. Be sure to visit the TriWest Urgent Care Facility Locator yourself (above link) to make sure of any updates to the list and perhaps find a location more near to you.
And below are the corresponding maps for all the above 30 locations...
TriWest has also created a 3-page tip/help handout that the veterans may use when going to a VA authorized Urgent Care facility. The tipsheet is actually 3 individul pages/sheets of instructions that you may print out locally on your printer.
Use the link below to View or Print the TriWest tipsheet we have posted on this website (a PDF file).
CLICK HERE to View or Print the TriWest Tip Sheet (a PDF file)Use the link below to View or Print the tipsheet that is posted on the TriWest website (may be an updated version).
CLICK HERE to View or Print the Tip Sheet on TriWest website[back-to-menu]---[top-of-page]
* VA MISSION ACT - Information Update 5-13-2019
[posted on: 5-20-2019]
Cheryl Van Syckle, VVA TSC Secretary, has forwarded to us some updated information regarding the VA MISSION ACT (MA), including 2 PDF documents. One document included some general information regarding the Act - the other includes Eligibility information. The information came from Deborah Meyer, Public Affairs Officer, located in Temple Texas.
Do you know that "MISSION" is an acronym?
Maintaining Internal Systems and Strengthening Integrated Outside Networks (MISSION) Act (MA)of 2018.
What is MA?
The VA MISSION Act (MA) is legislation passed by Congress and signed into law on June 6, 2018, and contains more than 50 sections. Through the MISSION Act, VA has additional opportunities to enhance our high-quality health care to our nation's Veterans. Through this VA will make changes in several key areas including:
The link to the VA MISSION Act website is shown below: May 1, 2019, Choice 40 Veterans (those who live more than 40 miles from a VA facility) who need to schedule a community care appointment, should call Central Texas Veterans Health Care System's Care in the Community staff at 254-743-1683. Letters were sent and robo calls made to these Veterans as well as posted to our Internet and Facebook sites.
More Veteran's information may be found at the following links below:
MISSION Act Homepage on VA Gov MISSION Act Flyer MISSION Act Facebook Live Event - May 30, 2019 Link to Central Texas VA Gov Link to Central Texas VA Gov (On Facebook)You may also watch a 4 minute FOX News video interview with VA Secretary Robert Wilkie, regarding the VA MISSION Act. Use the link below to view the video.
Link to the VideoUse the 2 links below to view or print the documents that were included in the information update email.
CLICK HERE to View or Print the Eligibility document (PDF) CLICK HERE to View or Print the General Information document (PDF)
Deborah Meyer
Public Affairs Officer (003)
Central Texas Veterans Health Care System
1901 Veterans Memorial Drive
Temple, TX 76504
Extension 42376
Office 254-743-2376
Cell 254-534-0304
* VA Veterans Appeals and Modernization Act of 2017 - NOW ACTIVE Feb 2019
[posted on: 2-8-2019]
The VA Appeals Modernization Act (H.R.2288) Goes into Effect in February of 2019! The Veterans Appeals Improvement and Modernization Act of 2017 is effective February 19, 2019. Under the new law, any Veteran who receives an initial VA claim decision after February 2019 can choose from three new, easy-to-understand review choices. All three choices provide Veterans with faster resolution of disagreements with VA decisions.
The new law will:You will now have 3 new options available to you for your claim review:
Option 1: Higher-level Review
Your claim is reviewed by a more senior claims adjudicator and involves the steps listed below. The reviewer, who identifies or learns of a duty to assist error, can return the claim to the regional office for correction. You or your representative can request an informal phone call to identify specific issues.
Option 2: A Supplemental Claim Lane
You can submit or identify new and relevant evidence to support your claim. VA will provide assistance in developing the evidence.
Option 3: Appeal Lane for Appeals to the Board
This option allows you to appeal directly to the Board of Veterans' Appeals. You can choose between three options:
Use the links below to visit the VA website and the Congress website for the details regarding the 3 new options for those turning in new claims or appealing existing claims.
Visit the VA website for details regarding the 3 new claim review options Read the details of the Bill (H.R.2288) on the website[back-to-menu]---[top-of-page]
* VA Medical Services and Medication Copayments Update - Jan 2019
[posted on: 2-6-2019]
Some Veterans are now required to make copayments (copays) in order to receive VA Health Care and/or Medications. Use the link below to read the entire article on the website.
Read Entire Article on the WebsiteThe number of veterans who can be enrolled in the health care program is determined by the amount of money Congress gives VA each year. Since funds are limited, VA set up Priority Groups to make sure that certain groups of Veterans are able to be enrolled before others. Use the link below for more information on the website, regarding VA Health Care eligibility requirements and details about the 8 different Priority Groups. If you are a Veteran eligible for receiving VA Benefits, do you know what Priority Group you are in?
Visit the WebsiteWhile many Veterans qualify for free healthcare services based on a VA compensable service-connected condition or other special eligibilities, most Veterans are required to complete a financial assessment or means test at the time of enrollment to determine if they qualify for free health care services. Veterans whose income exceed VA income limits as well as those who choose not to complete the financial assessment at the time of enrollment, must agree to pay required copays for health care services to become eligible for VA healthcare services. VA created an instructional video to explain why some Veterans are charged copayments when they receive VA health care, how to pay a copayment and how to address copayment debts. Use the link below to visit the VA webpage that explains VA Copayments in greater detail.
Visit the VA Website for more details[back-to-menu]---[top-of-page]
* VA Releases Plan to Implement New Community Care Program - Jan 2019
[posted on: 2-6-2019]
The VA MISSION Act of 2018, became law this past summer and established six ways veterans can access private-sector care, known as community care. The law granted VA broad authority to determine two of the six eligibility standards for the new VA Community Care Program, ACCESS and QUALITY standards. VA worked closely with Congress and veterans organizations to draft the law, but chose to ignore its strategic partners when drafting the regulations to implement it.
In two public statements released by VA Secretary Wilkie at the end of January 2019, VA publicly announced its plans to implement the ACCESS standards. The proposal is expected to be published in the Federal Register in Feb of 2019. VA proposes to give veterans the ability to use private sector care if it takes them more than 30 minutes to drive to their VA primary or mental health care appointments or if their wait times for such care are more than 20 days. Veterans who require specialty care appointments would be eligible for private sector care if they drive more than 60 minutes or if their wait time is more than 28 days.
The new VA Community Care Program, which will replace the Veterans Choice Program, is expected to launch in June of 2019. VA also released its plan to expand ACCESS to private sector urgent care clinics around the country.
Revolutionizing VA Health Care - January 28, 2019
WASHINGTON NEWS RELEASE - 1/28/2019: Secretary of Veterans Affairs Robert Wilkie released the following statement. The past two years have been an exciting time for Veterans and for the Department of Veterans Affairs. Under President Trump's leadership, VA has enacted more reforms across the organization than at any other time since the 1990s, with key advances in the areas of transparency, accountability and customer service. VA will soon build on this progress by rolling out a plan that will revolutionize VA health care as we know it. Use the link below to read the rest of VA Secretary Wilkie's entire news relese statement.
Read Wilkie's Entire Statement on the VA Website(1/28/2019)VA Announces ACCESS standards for Health Care - January 30, 2019
WASHINGTON NEWS RELEASE - 1/30/2019: The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) announced its proposed ACCESS standards for community care and urgent care provisions that will take effect in June and guide when Veterans can seek care to meet their needs under the MISSION Act, be it with VA or with community providers. Use the link below to read the rest of VA Secretary Wilkie's entire news relese statement.
Read Wilkie's Entire Statement on the VA Website (1/30/2019)[back-to-menu]---[top-of-page]
* Court Rules - VA Must Pay Blue Water Vets Benefits! - Jan 2019
[posted on: 1-31-2019]
WASHINGTON — A Federal court ruled Tuesday (1/29/2019) that the Department of Veterans Affairs cannot deny disability benefits to thousands of Vietnam veterans who claim exposure to cancer-causing chemical defoliants simply because those vets served in the waters off the country’s coastline, and not inland.
The ruling marks a major victory for so-called “Blue Water” Navy veterans who have fought the department for years over the denials. VA officials have said the existing scientific evidence doesn’t justify the presumption of toxic exposure for the group and have strongly opposed legislative efforts to overturn their decision.
Use the links below to read several articles with more details about this Court Ruling!
Link below will take you to an article on the Military Times website:
Read article on the website
Link below will take you to an article on the Washington Post website:
Read article on the Washington Post website
Link below will take you to an article on the Houston Chronicle website:
Read article on the Houston Chronicle website
* VA Mission Act Overview - July 2018
[posted on: 8-5-2018]
Mike has sent us a 2-page document that contains an overview of the latest information regarding the recent VA MISSION Act that was recently signed by the President.
CLICK HERE to View or Print the 2-page Overview document (PDF)[back-to-menu]---[top-of-page]
* VA Mission Act FAQ Sheet - June 2018
[posted on: 6-25-2018]
Mike has sent us a 2-page FAQ sheet that contains the latest information regarding the recent VA MISSION Act that was just signed by the President. It appears that a large use of the money allocated in the Bill will go to improving what the VA calls "A NEW COMMUNITY CARE PROGRAM". Use the link below to View or Print the 2-page FAQ sheet.
CLICK HERE to View or Print the 2-page FAQ sheet (PDF)Mike also recently posted a VA MISSION Act Summary sheet. Use the link below to View or Print the Summary.
CLICK HERE to View or Print the Summary sheet (PDF)Use the link below to read more about the VA MISSION Act that's been posted on Dwight Winkler's Veterans Benefits News webpage:
CLICK HERE to read more about the VA MISSION Act[back-to-menu]---[top-of-page]
* VA News Update - June 2018
[posted on: 6-11-2018]
Mike has sent us a document that contains some general VA News updates for June 2018. The document contains the following topics:
* A 1-page Summary of the VA Mission Act of 2018
[posted on: 6-16-2018]
Mike has sent us a document that contains a very good summary of the VA Mission Act of 2018. Use the link below to View or Print the document.
CLICK HERE to View or Print the Document (PDF)You may also use the link below to read more about the Act on the website of U.S. Senator Johnny Isakson, R-Ga., chairman of the Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs.
CLICK HERE to Visit Senator Johnny Isakson's websiteAnd of course, if you Google the phrase "VA Mission Act", you will find LOTS of information regarding this new VA Bill.