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Texas Vietnam Heroes Exhibit![]() In Houston Texas |
On Saturday, December 7, 2013, several Chapter members and their spouses visited the local "Texas Vietnam Heroes" exhibit. The exhibit is currently setup in the in "The Health Museum" located in Houston's Museum district. The address is: 1515 Herman Drive. The Heroes exhibit honors the 3,714 Texas Veterans that lost their lives in the Vietnam War. Included in the Heroes exhibit is a model replica of the Texas Capitol Vietnam Veterans Monument (TCVVM) which will be dedicated in March of 2014 on the grounds of the Texas State Capitol, in Austin Texas. |
All the pictures below were taken at The Health museum (1515 Herman Dr.) on the day of the visit. There is also more information below regarding the exhibit itself, and San Jacinto VVA Chapter (343) that is currently sponsoring and manning the exhibit daily. If any of our Chapter members would like to help VVA Chapter 343 with daily Docent (exhibit guide) duties, contact information for their Chapter's Vice President (Stephen Brady) is provided below.
The above photo shows the overall Texas Vietnam Heroes exhibit as it sits in the Houston Health Museum. The exhibit is a tribute to those Texans who died while serving in the U.S. Armed Forces during the Vietnam War. The Heroes exhibit is comprised of 3,417 replicated military ID tags (Hero Tags), each representing a Texas soldier who died in Vietnam during the war. In the foreground, you can see a scale model of the Texas Capitol Vietnam Veterans Monument (TCVVM), which will be dedicated on March 29, 2014, on the grounds of the Texas State Capitol in Austin.
There are 3,417 Hero Tags, all hanging from chains. Visitors are allowed to touch and hold the tags in their hands if they wish. Photos are encouraged and many visitors do take pictures of themselves holding tags of their friends and/or relatives who died in the Vietnam War.
Below each Hero Tag section, on the white bases, the names of the above hanging tags are listed in alphabetial order. It is very easy to find a particular Hero Tag of a friend or relative by using the list of names diplayed below each set of tags.
In above photo, Dana Sternadel searches for and finds the Hero Tag of a family relative. In all, the TEXAS VIETNAM HEROES exhibit is something to see!
As shown in the above photo, once you find the Hero Tag of a friend or family relative, you may then take a photo of the Tag as a keepsake. This is one of the neat features of the Heroes exhibit, in that you are allowed and even encourgaged to touch, hold and take pictures of the Heroes Tags, something that you are not allowed to do in many other exhibits.
Again in above photo, one of our Chapter members has found and is holding a Hero Tag of a family relative, along with his own military ID tag. As you can now see, visting the Texas Vietnam Heroes Exhibit can be a rewarding and emotional experience. If you get the chance, please make an effort to visit the exhibit - you will not regret it. More detailed information regarding the Texas Vietham Heroes exhibit can be found in documents (given to us by Stephen Brady) posted at the bottom of this page.
The above photo shows our VVA Chapter president, Leonard Sternadel, along side Stephen Brady, vice president of San Jacinto VVA Chapter #343. Stephen was serving as exhibit Docent (visitor guide) the day we visited the exhibit. VVA Chapter 343 is sponsoring the exhibit and are responsible for providing daily Docent duties for the exhibit. VVA Chapter 1069 would like to congratulate VVA Chapter 343 on their sponsorship of the Texas Vietnam Heroes exhibit. If you would like to help VVA Chapter 343 with Docent duties for the exhibit, please contact Stephen Brady. His contact information is posted at the bottom of this page. There is also a document link at the bottom of this page that could be used as a helpful reference for someone serving as Docent for the exhibit. Perhaps some day our Chapter may volunteer to sponsor the Texas Vietnam Veterans Heroes exhibit and have it put on display somewhere in the Wharton county area.
The above photo shows some of our visiting party members along with Stephen Brady, standing around an exact scale model of the Texas Capitol Vietnam Veterans Monument. Stephen is explaining some of the features that will make up the full-scale monument.
In the above photo, Stephen provides more detail information regarding the TCVVM. Also, more detailed information regarding the TCVVM can be found in documents posted at the bottom of this page.
The above photo shows the separate exhibit (displayed alongside the Heroes exhibit) that describes the work that the Department of Defense does, regarding the recovery and identification of service members that were lost in our previous wars. This is a very interesting exhibit that describes the extent that the department will go to, in order to resolve the ID of a soldier's remains.
The above photo shows what side-A of the Texas Capitol Vietnam Veterans Monument will look like.
The above photo shows what side-B of the Texas Capitol Vietnam Veterans Monument will look like.
The above photo shows what side-C of the Texas Capitol Vietnam Veterans Monument will look like.
The above photo shows what side-D of the Texas Capitol Vietnam Veterans Monument will look like.
Contact information for Stephen Brady:
Stephen Brady
Vice President
Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 343
phone: 713-303-6771
Website links for the TCVVM and the Texas Vietnam Veterans Heroes exhibit:
Homepage for the Texas Capitol Vietnam Veterans Monument
Homepage for the Texas Vietnam Heroes Exhibit
Informative TCVVM and Heroes Exhibit Documents:
Much thanks to Stephen Brady for providing the 1-page documents below. We have scanned the documents and they have been
posted to our website server. You may simply view the documents or print the documents to your local computer printer.
Printing hints for documents below:
If printing from Windows IE, select Print Preview. Then select the drop down "Change Print Size" menu
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icon located at the top of the Print Preview page. If 40% does not produce the correct image size, then enter other values until the complete
and properly sized document is shown in the view - then print the document.
Document 1:
Click on the link below to view or print a document page that contains detailed information regarding the Texas Vietnam Heroes Exhibit.
Click here to view or print the Texas Vietnam Heroes Exhibit Document
Document 2:
Click on the link below to view or print a document page (part-A) that contains detailed information regarding the Texas Capitol Vietnam Veterans Monument.
Click here to view or print the Texas Capitol Vietnam Veterans Monument Document Part-A
Docuement 3:
Click on the link below to view or print a document page (part-B) that contains detailed information regarding the Texas Capitol Vietnam Veterans Monument.
Click here to view or print the Texas Capitol Vietnam Veterans Monument Document Part-B