VVA Chapter 1069 Meeting Report for: June, 6-11-2014
[posted on: 6-12-2014]
The meeting was held at Mikeska’s BBQ, El Campo, TX.
There were 36 members and guests present, along with 3 spouses in attendance.
Vice President Frank Kulcak declared the meeting open at 1900 hours and the following business was transacted.
The Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and a prayer was said.
The meeting was then recessed for the meal.
Kulcak re-opened the regular meeting at 1925 hours.
The minutes of the last meeting were approved as presented.
Kulcak informed those members that were not able to attend the Fish, Catch, Clean, Fry and Eat event that they missed a great time. He also expressed gratitude to Pioneer Energy for providing tents and chairs.
He then asked Dwight Winkler to update the members on the upcoming Veteran’s Benefits Seminar.
Winkler reviewed a summary of the events that were going to take place at the El Campo Civic Center on the 23rd of August. He also informed the members that the House and Senate have recently passed positive action regarding the wait time for veterans to receive medical care.
Kulcak informed the members that the Travelling Wall will be back in El Campo July 16-20, 2015.
There were no member reflections.
Kulcak recognized Arnold Amaro who gave an overview of the Bay City Valor Walk.
James Kulcak then informed the members that vests were now available for those members who wished to have one. He had two for display for the members to try on for size. He added that the logo patch cannot be bought separately and that the vests with the logo on the back and right pocket area would cost each member $20.00 and the chapter would pick up the remainder of the expense. All other additions to the vest would be at the member’s expense. He asked all those desiring a vest to contact him.
The 50/50 drawing was won by James Sobotik. A donated bottle of wine was won by Frank Schmermund.
There being no further business, Vice President Kulcak declared the meeting adjourned.