The meeting was held at Mikeskas BBQ, El Campo, TX.
There were 40 members and 9 guests present.
President Leonard Sternadel declared the meeting open at 1900 hours and the following business was transacted.
The Pledge of Allegiance to the flag was recited and a prayer was said.
Sternadel then recognized the Marine Corps 240th birthday.
He also wished everyone a happy Veterans Day. He then informed the members that Gerry and Nick Mikeska were donating
the meal tonight in honor of Veterans Day A BIG THANK YOU GOES OUT TO THEM!
The meeting was then recessed for the meal and reconvened at 1945.
Bob Supak provided a very informative video regarding the making of the Vietnam Veterans Monument.
Two beautiful, patriotic and delicious cakes were made by Dana Sternadel and presented to the Chapter. Colorful
fruit decorations for the flag cakes included blueberries and strawberries.
One of the cakes (smaller one above) was made with sugar-free ingredients for those who are diabetic - what thoughtfulness!
They were both quickly "scarfed up by all those present.
Thank you very much Dana!
The minutes of the last meeting were approved as presented.
VVA SO Dwight Winkler provided a handout covering some of the benefits available to disabled veterans refer to the sheet
for details. Thank you Dwight for all that you do to help us we need it!!!
The following topics were covered:
The $100.00 life membership drive ends 12/31/15, so get this done if you are interested.
Bus trip to Austin to visit the Monument November 14th.
TSC conference in Beaumont October 23 25th. Sternadel and Steelman attended. Sternadel has a binder with information for anyone interested.
Christmas party regular meeting December 9th.
Scholarship information is now available for anyone interested.
Wreaths Across America the members voted unanimously to participate.
Christmas parade participation the members voted unanimously not to participate.
Need volunteers for GI Joe/ GI Jane project in November.
Sternadel stated that the bylaws would be reviewed and a more mixed representation of members from different areas was needed to serve on the Board of Directors. This would be done in January and presented to the members upon completion.
He also stated that a Historian was needed for the Chapter. Louis and Carolyn Milder have volunteered.
Their salaries will be doubled from zero thank you both for doing this!
There being no further business, President Sternadel declared the meeting adjourned at 2045.